Rose Valet Fine Dry Cleaning

FREE convenient Pickup and Delivery

Registered Clients Mobile Number

Fill out my online form.

New Customer Sign-Up

Drycleaning on-site at our shop

204 Chapel St, Prahran
(10 doors north of High St)


Weekdays – 8am to 6pm
Saturdays – 10am to 2pm

Closed Sundays & Public Holidays. 

Free Pick up & Delivery available

"Experience is the one thing you can't get for nothing" Oscar Wilde

Owners, John & Susan have racked up more than 50 years of experience!

Welcome to a ‘real’ dry-cleaner, where all dry-cleaning is done by highly experienced and fully qualified dry-cleaners at Rose Valet in our well equipped dry-cleaning plant in the heart of the Chapel Street’s famous High Fashion Precinct.

Rose Valet is owned by John and Susan along with their staff have many years of experience. With our extensive knowledge, skill and meticulous attention to detail, your valuable clothes have the best possible and safest dry-cleaning.

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit" Aristotle.

Request a Dry-Cleaning Pick-up

Fill out my online form.

It’s that easy! With your mobile number,

our system tells us who you are and where you are!

We’ll pick up your order on our next run,

from your home or office.

You only need to register once!

From then now on you just send us your mobile phone number to request a pick up from your usual home or office location.
Your clothes are cleaned according to your preferences and delivered back to you.

We Service​

We may pick up outside these areas for large drycleaning orders, call us.